Residents in and around Auburn have seen the “LEWCO Clock Shop” sit abandoned for years, ever since the disappearance of Mark Lewis in the fall of 2010 under somewhat mysterious circumstances. Recently I was able purchase the property via Tax Sale, and while my primary interest was the real estate itself as it is attached (literally) to existing commercial property that I own, along with the tax deed I also inherited ownership and possession of a bunch of clocks in various states of repair.
While I may be the legal owner, I do not consider myself to be the ethical one. It has been my intention to try to identify the original owners and have the clocks returned to them. The process was slowed somewhat because of lack of business records, necessary building repairs, and the fact that I have absolutely no expertise in clocks, how to identify them, or the ability to look at a pile of parts and tell you which parts went with which clock.
Recently Jason Rohrbach of Rohrbach’s Clockworks approached me and offered his services to help identify and repatriate the clocks – an offer which was readily accepted. Over the last few days he has been to identify and classify well over 40 different clocks and pieces, and even match some of the items to names via the partial business records we found.
We are now ready to start the process of returning the clocks to their original owners.
If you owned a clock that was in the building, or know someone who did, please download this form and get in contact with us.
Donn Bly